The lawyers in the Product Liability Group focus on protecting the integrity of manufactured products, which are the life blood of our economy. Questions of potential liability involve issues such as state-of-the-art, knowledge of danger, prior injuries, testing, inspections, warnings, labels, marketing literature, recommended pre- and post-accident changes, quality control, consumer expectation, and risk-versus-utility analysis.
Our products lawyers represent manufacturers, distributors and retailers. They have tried cases involving products ranging from heavy industrial equipment to the most common household appliances.
In all cases, the first objective in handling an alleged product defect is to establish close client contact and to become familiar with the product and its manufacturer. When justified, our product lawyers visit the manufacturing facility and solicit clear explanations by in-house personnel as to the rationale for any design, warning, etc. Our lawyers always work closely with risk managers and corporate counsel to identify the company representative who will best meet the needs of the particular case and, when necessary, to reach mutual agreement on the best available outside experts.
The lawyers in the Product Liability Practice Group provide an objective evaluation of the case at the earliest possible time and, in conjunction with corporate counsel or risk managers, set up plans for an aggressive, innovative defense and prepare a realistic defense budget. We are particularly alert, during the discovery phase of a case, for any issues that may be of national significance to the client or that may enable the client to avoid future litigation.
All the lawyers in this group have been and will continue to be instrumental in reforming product liability law through their work in organizations such as the International Association of Defense Counsel, the Defense Research Institute and various tort reform committees.